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Create an all new better work and life, With the luck
1852     2021-02-10

The Year of 2020 is a special year for us, for you, even for all over the world, We are all facing the mutual biggest challenge in human history which COVID-19 cause.


Fortunately, Our dear people around us including you, Our families and us are all living well.

Fortunately, LinkedLight also survived from this special year, It has already back to the normal track, and continuing to back to the best level and will exceed.


We own this luck to our customers, to our partners, to our employees, also to all those who are caring about us, including you.


We are grateful to them for their unswerving care and trust in us, Meanwhile we appreciate their understanding and patience on us. 


Every care, trust, understanding and patience from them is touching us, to make us beyond COVID-19 and doing better for them.


Like the COLD, Currently COVID-19 has became an important part of our life, What we do is to accept it and feel luck for everything we have.


Before our Chinese New Year (OX Year ) Eve, Right Now on behalf of LinkedLight I am keeping my fingers crossed for all those who are caring about us, appreciating them, and writing this letter to send my greetings:

- Feel Luck for everything we have.

- Create an all-new better work and life with this luck.

- Like the best in the past, wish ALL will be the foundation and starting point for the next better work and life.


Thank you so much again,

From Jonathan, LinkedLight, Zhongshan, China