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Happy Chinese New Year for 2023 Rabbit Year
1159     2023-01-05

Chinese New Year Festival is coming, LinkedLight Team would like to express our sincere wishes to all the customers and partners who have given us their attention, trust and support, LinkedLight Team wish them a healthy and prosperous Rabbit Year.


Review the past year of 2022, The turmoil in the international environment and The epidemic deepening took the global economic in huge challenge.


We understand, every people and every company in the world, All are facing this challenge. During this special period, We are still always able to feel the trust, the support, the understanding and the care from our customers and partners.


Hereby, All the LINKEDLIGHT Team appreciate them for their great effort and work in the cooperation between LINKEDLIGHT.


Along with the Door-Open of China from the New Year, we believe this will allow us to strengthen our support and help to them better than the past 3 lock-down years.


However, The Youth, Enthusiasm, the expectation for the better future and Mission Must Reach of us will always walk along with them.


Thanks again to all the customers and partners for their support, appreciate them for their unwavering trust and understanding all along.


Our Chinese New Year Festival holiday is from January 07 to February 05, 2023.

Wish you all a happy New Year !