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Happy Chinese New Year for 2023 Loong Year
1505     2024-01-15

As ways in the past at this moment whilst the annual important festival-Chinese New Year is coming, the whole LinkedLight Team would like to express our sincere wishes to all the customers and partners who have given us their attention, trust and support, LinkedLight Team wish them a healthy and prosperous Loong Year.


Review the past year of 2023, This is the first year since the end of the epidemic, It also ushered in the largest sowing year in the history of LinkedLight: The expansion and upgrading of industrial equipment, The upgrading of technology and management System,and the full launch of product certification etc. These significant seeds provide a strong sustainable impetus for the future development.


We understand these seeds all are based on the support, trust, care, understanding from our customers. FROM CUSTOMERS => FOR CUSTOMERS. Just do like this, we can make our mutual seeds bear the rich fruits for our both sides.


Hereby, LINKEDLIGHT Team would like to thank all our customers, partners and employees for their efforts over the past year.


From the coming year of 2024, We will gradually usher in our harvest year together with our customers, partners and employees. Of course continuous sowing and sharing the fruits with them will be the development theme for the next long time of Linkedlight.


Dear Customers, partners and Linkedlight People, the future Linkedlight road is worth expecting.


Again, Linkedlight team would like to thank everyone for their efforts in the past year, Our Chinese New Year Festival holiday is from January 26 to February 25, 2024.

Happy New Year to everyone!