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LinkedLight New Generation CRM and ERP System are being Upgraded
1300     2023-07-03

LinkedLight is pleased to announce that Its New Generation CRM and ERP System are being Upgraded.


In order to better meet the needs of the growing customer groups, as well as fulfill the commitment to the customers “Mission Must Reach”. In July, LinkedLight began to upgrade its CRM and ERP management systems.


This CRM and ERP management system is the second upgrade of LinkedLight management system in ten years, The main focus of strengthening and upgrading the detailed follow-up of customer groups; And the specification of the team collaboration process of each department in the process of customer order fulfillment.


The system upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of December 2023, and the updated system will give full play to the advantages of LinkedLight team collaboration, combining commercial and industrial teams more efficiently to do better for customers.