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Your Wiring Force Behind Lighting : JINGKELUO is coming
815     2023-08-03

As the most core business for LinkedLight, The Plug wire has developed by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years. In China, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and other markets, LinkedLight adheres to the industry concept of “LinkedLight Cable Connection understands Lighting More than Others”, LinkedLight is proud to have manufactured and supplied the reliable wired mains connection solutions to its partners.


LinkedLight wire connection products and solutions are well established in their customer base, In order to highlight the professionalism of this business, it is better to enable this business to pursue the perfection, LinkedLight is proud to announce JINGKELUO brand is formally launched, And established a professional company named Guangdong Jingkeluo Wire&Cable Technology Co., LTD which is committed to the manufacturing of Wire&Cable, Plug Cords business.


All the LinkedLight Cables & Wires, Plug Cords, Lamp Assemblies will fully use the JINGKELUO brand. JINGKELUO will uphold "Your Wiring Force Behind Lighting" as the core of the brand, Based on the LinkedLight core value, to provide the reliable wire connection products and solutions to all the lighting partners.